Wellness Massage Treatments

Treat yourself with a soothing and relaxing wellness massage.

Combine any massage with one of our Wellness Facials for a complete indulgence experience. Perfect for gifting to someone special using our gift vouchers.

Wellness Spa Massage



Essential Swedish Massage
Includes: Head/Shoulders/Feet/Hands with application of hot compress and aromatic essential oils.
60/30 minutes

Customised Swedish Massage
Includes: Head/Neck/Shoulders/Chest/Upper Back.
75/60/45/30/20/15 minutes


Facial Swedish Massage
Includes: Aromatic essential oils massage on face, neck, decollete and shoulders after cleansing and closing with sunblock moisturiser.
Recommended for any clients that needs boosting manually facial tissue’s lymphatic drainage, and for when you need to relax and unwind.
45/30 minutes

Add Facial Swedish Massage to any treatments
Includes: Aromatic essential oils massage on face, neck, decollete, shoulders after cleansing and closing with sunblock moisturiser.
Recommended for any clients that needs boosting manually facial tissue’s lymphatic drainage, and for when you need to relax and unwind.
15 minutes